The babies are starting to get too big to fit on the one screen so she was trying to be creative to fit on their heads on one side and their bodies on the other side to look like one picture...not bad if I do say so myself. I can't imagine that would be too easy. Sophie was moving so much she really had a hard time getting a heartrate and cord pulse rate. I thought it was funny but I could clearly see that it was kind of annoying to her! She finaly stopped moving for like 20 seconds and that is when the tech was able to get a reading.
First of all-We had the "good" ultrasound tech today. The one who takes her time and really explores the babies rather than slap the KY jelly on and say "oh yeah everything looks fine". Onward and upward......the babies look good again today and my cervix is still measuring over 4 cm. That is a good sign for now. Riley weighs in at 3lbs even and Sophie is weighing in at 3lbs 1oz. Both babies are "breathing" like they should and moving around in there like crazy. I will go back on November 12th for the full appointment deal. Today was just a growth scan and BPP.
On a sidenote-when I got home from the 3D scan we were trying to get the video to work and it was messed up. Like the tracking was off or something, however all other tapes played fine and I tried 2 VCR's and those are hard to come by these days!!! LOL Anyhow it still wasnt playing well so I talked to the office manager and she said that they have been having problems with the recorder so the guy is supposed to fix it this week and she will call me to come in for another 3D scan at no charge-I would hope not!!!! I am excited to get another glimpse of the babies in 3D!!! They will be "fuller" as they are putting on weight every day. Looking forward to that. I am so excited to see that one again!