Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Riley was laughing with a waffle in his mouth and it was so funny...he was just making us laugh.

I love those little teeth!

Flexible boy!!!!
My little baby girl all dressed up for summer!!!
Big brothers loving you up Sophie!!!!
Been waiting so long for you to wear this suit baby....


twondra said...

Awwww, so cute!!!

M and M: said...

They are looking so "grown up"! Great pics. Love the swimsuit...but you do live in Michigan right...summer won't be there for months! ; ) - Megan

Unknown said...

ahhh they are so cute!!! They are really growing up!

Emily said...

So cute. I love those pics. They are getting so big. I can't wait to get our kiddy pool out so we can go swimming as well. The boys tired it last year but still were getting the sitting part down. Rylan already is a fish in water so I know I am really going to have to watch him!! Take care.

Erika said...

Love love love Sophie the model. Oh, and Riley is handsome too!