Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More baby photos!!!

Things are going well on this end of the world. The babies are really starting to smile nicely now. I have a lot of fun dressing them up and taking photos! They are just so cute if I do say so myself. They are sleeping pretty well through the night at this point in the game. I feed them around 11pm or so and they stay asleep until somewhere between 4:30 and 6am. Not bad. I can't complain. The boys are so in love with them-always hugging and kissing them. For this I am super thankful. Still working weekends and going to school. Not much else is going on other than I am so ready for spring. I mean ready! I want to get the kids and myself out of this house and enjoying some fresh air!!! Soon enough soon enough.


M and M: said...

Those are some beautiful babies, my friend! I can only imagine how fun it is to dress them up. What cutie-pies!

Unknown said...

Oh they are so pretty! Love it!

Erika said...

"not much else going on" as if what you have going on isnt ENOUGH!
Glad you are having so much fun. I am excited for you get good weather. Sarah and I go out on daily walks and I love it, but then again it is in the mid 70's here:)
Enjoy every minute of them.

twondra said...

Awwww, so sweet! I love the pictures!

Steph and Dave said...

Awww they are great pictures and they are getting so big. I love Sophie's dress. I have been looking for a dress for Rachael but having problems finding them. I guess its to cold here to have them out in the stores. lol.

Stephanie said...

Oh Tanya they are growing so much, It is so funny that Riley and Lil bit have so many of the same outfits and Ohhhh how they both look so darn cute in them ;o) I'm glad to hear that things are going well with the babies... I will check back soon for more cute pics.