Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Worrying....

Well as usual I am worrying about everything. I am thinking that things are not going well. I have absolutely nothing to base this feeling off of. It is just that a feeling. Not scientific fact. I am not having any bleeding or cramping or anything. I feel that my tummy is getting bigger and when I think it isnt I go to the closet and try on some of my clothes. They are not fitting. Having a hard time getting something that is really comfy. I guess I need to go back to Motherhood and see what they have available.
In my state of insecurity I have been praying a lot and I ordered a doppler over the weekend so I will be able to hear my babies until my next ultrasound appointment. I think that will help. I am looking forward to seeing them again! This is such an exciting and scary time for me....I sure wish I could fully let go and enjoy this pregnancy! I am hoping that soon I will be able to. 12 weeks is fast approaching! Only 18 days. I think I can make it........I think.


Jennie said...

Tanya, I know what you mean about clothes, ugh! I've thought about getting a Doppler but I'm not quite far along enough, being only with one child. Everything I've read reminds us that once we start feeling the baby we'll become much more confident. I can feel my body changing but not the baby so I keep worrying because I haven't had a doppler and won't have an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks. Hang in there, it's normal to worry at this stage. :-) Jennie

Tanya said...

Thank you Jennie for your comment you did help me to feel better and that I am not alone. Thank you.

twondra said...

Oh, girl, I'm sorry. I can understand where you would be worried. You're gonna be okay girl!! Those twins are so gonna make it and be the most healthy babies ever. :) (((HUGS)))

Tanya said...

Thanks Tammy! I do appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me. Thanks.

Steph and Dave said...

Tanya, I know how you are feeling. I feel the same way everyday. hang in there and we will all get through this!!!!