Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Still having back pain....

Well I am still having the back pain. I have been doing these exercises given to me by the torture master (AKA physical therapist) and they just don't seem to be working. I am having a ton of back pain these days and it takes a long time to get things done. The babies are moving around quite a bit and I can tell who is the culprit. I love feeling it. It is one of those special feelings that only mothers feel! I know others can feel it as well but it is so cool to be able to always feel it when they wake up or change positions. I can tell their sleeping habits as well. pretty neat. I go to the perinatologist next Wed. for one last scan to make sure that things are going well for the babies and then I will be scheduling my 3D u/s for about the third week in October or so. I still can't believe there are two babies in there....I just got the second crib together and I will be posting photos as soon as I can.

1 comment:

twondra said...

Can't wait to see the pics! I can't wait until I get the feeling of feeling my baby. :) I hope you start feeling better real soon!