Saturday, September 8, 2007

The 20 week belly shot....

Well here it is. The 20 week belly shot. They are for sure growing right up into my diaphragm! I am getting a little short of breath these days. Things are going well though and that is the important part. Also, having some trouble getting comfy pants. I hate anything tight around my belly at all. And underwear are a totally different thing!!! Can you say granny panties!! LOL


twondra said...

Yay for granny panties! Love the picture! Thanks for sharing. Hope you're doing better!

M and M: said...

Tanya...looking good with those growing babies in there! So happy they are moving around so much. Must feel good!

Stephanie said...

What a lovely baby bump!! Nice to see that all is going well with you and the babies. I do so understand the fitting thing. My lil guy gets so mad when things get in his way.