Monday, August 27, 2007

The Anatomy Scan...

This set of pictures is a profile of baby B or (Sophie) and baby A or (Riley's) foot. It was so cute. they kept kicking each other and we kept seeing a foot next to a head. They are both laying sideways and opposite. Sophies head is on my right and her feet on my left and Riley is exactly the opposite. They are starting to get cramped for room in there....

This is a face shot ( a little scary!) of Sophie and a picture of her foot next to Rileys head. It was so amazing to watch them. That never gets old! I got a tape and I love to watch it. I should burn it to a DVD so that I dont wreck it! It is so neat to have though. I can watch them all the time now on the TV!!!! How fun!!!!

This set is a photo of Sophie sucking her fingers and her thumb and then a side shot fo both of them. It was so neat. They were moving so much the u/s tech had a hard time getting a heart rate on them. They are both measuring 19w1d which is about a full week ahead of schedule. Never a bad thing in my book. They both weigh in just over a half pound at 9 ounces each. The cords both have all three vessels in them and the measurements such as the brains, lungs and all the arms and legs are all normal. Both spinal cords are closed and looking good. My cervical length is over 4 cm still so that is looking good. No talk of cerclage just yet. Lots of moving around in there......LOTS!!!!

This last set is a profile and face shot of Riley. I dont know these straight on face shots are a little scary if you ask me. I like the profile shots better. They were barely holding still so she could get them. I am glad that she was able to get good pics of them. I will already have like a whole scrap book of u/s photos! Nothing wrong with that!!!! I did have the tech confirm again that they are boy and girl and she said that without a doubt she agrees. So we are looking good there. I will be able to keep all of the things that I have been buying and now I will feel better about buying more stuff! I am soooo excited. I wanted to hold them today it was so neat to see them on the screen. Time is really flying by at this point in the game and I am so happy to see that things are looking good for them.


M and M: said...

really neat u/s pics, Tanya. Thanks for sharing!

twondra said...

Awww, they are sooo cute! Thanks for sharig the pics!!!