Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Update

Well I just love the doppler. That is the find of the century. It really is. I got to hear both babies this week. It was amazing. On one side of my belly it was 172-175 bpm and on the other side it was running 185-189!!! Yikes. Lots of moving in there Im sure.

I am looking forward to the upcoming months of feeling them kick really good! I know it will start to get pretty tight in there towards the end.

I still have not bought anything. I am thinking about what I am going to buy though! I am just nervous. I am so excited about the babies though. I just can't believe that soon I will be holding two babies at one time. That is so amazing....and SCARY!!!!! LOL Well only 7 days until 12 full weeks and on the 17th I will be going for my first OB appointment with the doctor. Then toward the end of the month I will start getting biweekly ultrasound cervical checks. Should be interesting. Glad they are watching me and the babies....


Jennie said...

That is so cool! What kind of doppler did you get?

Tanya said...

I just got one of those digital ones from and it is the greatest thing. LOVE IT!