Wednesday, October 17, 2007

25 Week Belly shot....

Well this is what I am trying to work around on a daily basis! Fun fun. I do love it. Being pregnant is such a wonderful experience and I love to feel the babies moving. My hands and my feet are really starting to swell up. My back is still really hurting. I try to rest when I can at home but it is hard when I have to run around with the boys. It is pretty amazing when you think about the fact that there are two babies in there!! I still can't believe it. I mean I am buying two of everything and I know in my mind there are two but to see it for real will be interesting. I am looking forward to holdling them and snuggling them up! I am still waiting for the call from the doctors office to let me know when the C-section will be for sure. It is good to have that planned out a little. I have been getting the babies things ready for the hospital. I have a whole suitcase dedicated to them. Lots of cute clothes. I do not want them in the white hospital deals! I just want them to be dressed cute when people come to see them. I have so many cute options for them. I am really starting to get excited to meet them! Not much longer. I have my glucose tolerance test tomorrow. Joy that is!!!!

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