Friday, December 21, 2007

Riley Came Home Yesterday!!!!

This is what my little angel looks like without the feeding tube in. She is so cute. :)

Here is my sweet little flower! She is so wonderful and spunky! A little spitfire. DH says she is a chip off the old block!!!

Two little peas in the pod!!!
This little outfit was used to bring home my other two boys so it is only right that Riley come home in it. It is really sentimental to me....

Getting Riley dressed to come home.
I just love this photo of my baby boy! He is absolutely sweeter than honey! (just like my other fabulous boys!!)

Riley came home yesterday and what a sweet homecoming day it was. The boys are so in love with him it is crazy. DH and I have been sucking him up as well. It is so great to be at home with him and not have to be on display at the hospital. I was able to sit and check him out completely!!! He is so wonderful and perfect! I love love love him. I got everything set up and put a bassinet right by my bed so that I could keep an eye on him all night. He is on Neosure formula-35-40 cc's every 3 hours. I set my alarm clock to get up and he woke up about 15 minutes before my alarm every time. His own alarm system seems to be working just fine these days. I still have to pump and dump due to an antibiotic that I am taking for the darn UTI situation. So after I feed him I have to pump and by the I get everything done I have about an hour to an hour and a half and he will be up again. Didnt sleep well or long at all last night...partially because he was awake and partially because I was awake looking at him in awe! I am so thrilled with him and I am taking every minute to enjoy it and not take it for granted.
I got the call from the home care team and we are taking the monitor class and infant CPR tomorrow at the hospital for Sophie! She has not had any more apnea! Yeah! Lets hope that Cafcit keeps working and she continues on this path. I worry about her coming home with no monitor but thank goodness they do use one. That can really be a scary thing for a breathing=FREAK OUT ATTACK! Anyhow I make trips to the hospital at night when I get the boys in bed and snuggle her up with kangaroo kare. She is wonderful and I cannot wait to get her home. We need her energy around here.....Then we will be complete! She is so adorable and her little hospital photo turned out so cute. I can't wait to post it. Lots of kind of photo!!! She got her tube pulled and she is taking regular bottles now and progressing nicely. If things keep up this way she will be home on Christmas Eve day! So exciting!
Now for me. Things are going well. I am able to move around so much better. Thank goodness. It has been nutty from that surgery. It was tough. Anyhow I am happy that I can do things for myself now. It is hard to ask for h-e h-e-l h-e-l-p! I dont know why I think that I have to do everything. I am really trying to let people help that want to. I dont want to be overloaded and alone!!! Thank you to all who have offered your help. It is greatly appreciated.


Jennie said...

Awe! How adorable! Congrats on the home coming!

twondra said...

Aww, you had me in tears! I'm so happy for you! I hope some day I can experience that same joy. It sounds amazing.

Unknown said...

I am so glad Riley got to come home!

The pictures are so cute!