Sunday, December 16, 2007


Well last night I had to make a trip to ER-Severe bladder and kidney infection. I also may have cellulitis on my lower belly where all that swelling was. Oh great just what I need. I had a friend take me to ER and I got right in and they took the staples out and put steristrips on. It feels better with regard to that. I was cramping so bad and had SEVERE back pain on the left. I was bawling and carrying on and they gave me Morphine to help with the pain and it only worked for minutes. My white blood cell count was through the roof indicating infection and they did a UA. Apparently it was a really bad UTI. How horrible. I didn't get to see the babies because of this and it was making me mad. I did go up earlier in the day and love on them and take photos of them and all. They are so wonderful!!!


Riley made his first weight gain instead of loss today. He weighed 5 grams more than yesterday. Every gram counts when you want them to come home. They changed his formula from 20 calories per cc to 22 calories to help him gain some weight. That is a good sign! He is nippling mostly all of his feedings. He only had to have 10 cc gavaged through the feeding tube for the whole day so that is not bad at all. Good Boy Riley!!!

Sophie is gaining weight well. She is always putting on a few grams at each weigh in. Her deal is the apnea-which they are giving her Cafcit-caffeine to help her stay stimulated enough to breath. It is really helping. Unreal. A little baby mountain dew and she is breathing better. That is awesome!!! She is not nippling her feedings as well as Riley, so they are having to use her feeding tube more often than not but at least she is putting on weight. She usually eats about half or a little more. Good Girl Sophie!!!

NEW Photos!!!

My sweet Riley boy looking around after his meal. He was happy.

Time to drift off to sleep after Grandma held you. She ate you right up! You had tons of snuggles!

These photos of Sophie were taken after some Kangaroo Kare. She loved it. I held her because when we got to the nursery she was wailing! It is just instinct to go to your crying baby. So I was able to comfort her and she started crying when she was hungry and it was about 20 minutes until her feeding time. That is a good thing! She was telling us that she was ready. I can't wait to bring these guys home to join our family!
Just after Kangaroo Kare.


Erika said...

So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. It is so hard to rest when all you want to do is be there with your babies. They are so adorable and HUGE. I can't believe you had nearly 12 lbs of baby in there!

M and M: said...

Oh, sorry that you had to go to the ER. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I know the recovery part has to be rough, but just remember those beautiful babies you have to show for all of your aches/pains/infections/etc. Do love the new pics of the babies!

Jennie said...

Yikes! What a terrible ordeal! I hope you feel better soon. That's great to hear that Riley and Sophie are gaining weight. Will they be able to go home by Christmas? They are so beautiful!

twondra said...

I'm sooo sorry you ended up in the ER. poor thing. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks for the pics! They are sooo adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Tanya ---- your babies are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the most precious things ever! Hope you're feeling better soon so that you can take care of 'em on your own!!!