Friday, May 11, 2007

The transfer

Well I had my transfer this AM. It went well. The RE said that things went perfect and we are hoping for a BFP as all get out. This waiting is so hard. It really is. These are the photos of my em-babies. I am so hoping that at least one of them decides to stick around for the long haul this time. I really want this to work. Obviously. Didnt I just say that? Oh well I am just talking out of no where really. I am left to my thoughts and my progesterone shots. LOL I did break down and buy some pee sticks! I know I know it may be early but I need to know that the trigger shot has left the building and that the embies are sticking in for a bit. I can't wait to see the double lines on the beautiful little stick! I know I am sick right? Oh well. Those are my thoughts for the moment. I have two long long weeks ahead of me. My beta is on the 24th. Ugghh. The 24th is an eternity away. Just an eternity.

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