Monday, May 7, 2007


Well I went for my second IV Hespan today and it went well. No big problems to report and I got the fertilization report. 7 embryos growing well!!!! I am so happy about this. It is looking good for me. I am hoping that we will be back in on Friday for our transfer of two wonderful picture perfect embies! They will not look at them again until Wed afternoon when they change the media they are growing in. I can't wait to hear. I hope that I know before the end og the day but she said probably not until Thursday. Thats OK as long as I know what is going on!!! I must know ASAP!!! LOL that is just the controlling part of me. :) Oh I also got a note from the RE to be off of work all week! Woo Hoo I am off until Sunday night I think! That is the best news yet I can live a normal life until then. I am thrilled because I am still sore yet. This way I can just relax through the transfer. That will be great.

Well thoughts of possibly being pg are all consuming of my mind and my time right now. I try not to think about it but it just happens. It is so hard not to think about it. Will it work or wont it? I will be going to the store to buy some pee sticks after the transfer. I want to see what is going on as soon as it goes on and hopefully I will have some photos of positive to share. This time of uncertainty is really unreal. You have no clue unless you have been here in the 2WW with me. LOL I am still a little sore when I move about and I will be so thankful to rest good this week.

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