Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well its a BFP!!!!

Well the official news came today in the form of a phone call from the IVF nurse god!!! LOL She called and said that it was a BFP with a beta of 708. I am so thrilled by this. I can hardly even type! I am so excited!!! I am running around jumping for joy here! It is so exciting! They do not do another beta because it was high already so they do not need to do another one. I am happy about that as I nearly vomit the closer it gets to 4 that I wait for the call. I go in for an u/s on June 5th to see what is happening in there. Hummmmm we did have 2 embryos put back in. Who knows. I am just glad that something is going on in there! I will be reporting the next news as I get it in!

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