Friday, November 16, 2007

In the hospital today....

Well I went for the nonstress test today that turned out well-yippie and I asked about all of this swelling. My lower abdomen is swollen up nicely. How weird! What a weird place to swell...anyhow I asked the doctor about it today because it is quite painful to the touch and he said well lets just run some blood work to see how you look there. It turns up the my liver enzymes are elevated. Not a great deal but I guess this is the start of pre-eclampsia. I am considered high risk because I am having twins, I had it with both of my boys, I have chronic high blood pressure without being pregnant, etc. Anyhow, they did put me on the monitor and I am having irregular contractions (very uncomfortable) and they did give me the first shot of steroids to help mature the babies lungs. I will get the second one tomorrow and I have to stay here for 3 days to be monitored and get blood work done. This type of bed rest is really hard! I have no laundry, no dishes...essentially no micro-managing to be done here! They are doing a 24 hour urine on me just to check protein levels. If my liver enzymes stay the same or go down we are good. If on Monday they go up a lot I have to be transferred to a hospital with a NICU and they will be delivered then. I am hoping that everything looks good on Monday. I am not ready to have them yet. Well OK I am but not really. I want to make sure that they are looking good in the lung department! I had a friend bring me my computer so I will have something to do-thank you so much! Well this is the latest and the greatest and I will keep you informed as soon as I know anything else. Oh yeah I did have an ultrasound with the high risk doctor and the tech started to laugh when she looked at Sophie...She has little "chub" rolls!!! You can see them on the black and white u/s!!! It is so cute. I cant wait to meet them! I really can't...........


Steph and Dave said...
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Steph and Dave said...

Thanks for letting us know whats going on. Hopefully everything goes well this weekend for you. Not sure if you read my blog or not but I had the first steroid shot today too. Hang in there we are getting there, hoping both sets stay in awhile longer.

M and M: said...

Tanya - hang in there, my friend. You are in the best place you can be. I hope all works out on Monday so you can keep those babies with you a bit longer. Keep us posted!

Erika said...

So sorry to hear you are in the hospital. The steroid shot that they gave me saved little Sarah's life. You babies are weighing in at excellent weights and if G-d forbid you need to be delivered next week, it will all turn out well. A little bit of time in the NICU is no big deal. Just try to relax and let the good nurses wait on you hand and foot. By the way, doesn't that shot HURT? After all that we have been through with shots daily, I thought that steroid hurt more than all of them combined!
I will be thinking of you and those babies this weekend.

twondra said...

Oh, wow...I'm just getting caught up on blogs and i'm soooo sorry you're in the hospital. Keep us posted for sure sweetie! Hang in there!!