Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My complaining....

I feel like crap today. I really feel bad. My back is killing me and I feel so tight that I am going to actually blow up before the kids arrive! I am just sooo tight from them being in the head up position. They really like to stand and push even more! lOL I feel like I am imitating a beached whale when I try to sleep because of all the tossing and turning which was a lot easier when I was not pregnant. I do feel so thankful for these babies and I certainly cannot wait to meet them but every day is a challenge now. I had to sit on the floor to get the laundry out of the dryer today! Also I went to Target to make a quick stop for a Christmas gift that I need and the clerk was very loud and saying "OMG I have never seen a belly that big before-EVER!!!" I was dying. She kept saying things like this and then there were the onlookers....I had several ladies looking at my belly going on and on. It was totally unbelievable. I feel like people are staring where ever I go. When I left the clinic the other day there were a bunch of people looking at me and saying wow it must be any day now eh?? I wanted to chew their faces off but I just smiled and said not yet and kept walking. Not only do I feel like crying half the time....I am just feeling miserable!!! I just can't wait to see these little babies on the outside!!! Well there is my rant for the day.


Erika said...

I am sorry you are not feeling well. You seem like such an active person, it is so hard not being able to do the simple things you want to do because of your discomfort. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You already know this but I will say it anyway, it is all worth it. After Sophie and Riley make their debut you won't even remember it anymore.... Stay Strong!

Tanya said...

Thank you so much Erika. That is what I am trying to focus on!! I can't wait to meet the little nuggets!!!

twondra said...

I'm so sorry sweetie....I bet you must be miserable. I can't even imagine. Hang in there! Like Erika said, it definitely will be worth it!! (((HUGS)))

Steph and Dave said...

Tanya, sorry you are not feeling all that great. I know exactly how you feel but we are almost there, everyday is day closer.