Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Peri Appt. today

Well I ended up being at the hospital for about 4 hours!!! Yikes! Anyhow...The BPP went well. Both babies are measuring 35 weeks-I am 31W3D. (In my wrestling announcer voice) In one corner of the uterus we have Sophie weighing in at 5 lbs 1 ounce and in the opposite corner we have Riley weighing in at 5 lbs even!!!! The tech was like oh my goodness they have taken a growth spurt in the last 8 days....if you remember they were measuring about 4 lbs each. I was thinking about this as I have 29 days left until the c-section...if they are putting on a pound a week that would put them near the 8-9 lbs range. I will die! Lets hope that this guestimate is way off. I mean I want them to be big healthy babies and all but wow that is a lot of babies in there....I already feel stretched to the max!!! Both babies are still head up-again the reason for all of the pressure up high....lovely. Oh my goodness-When the tech came across their heads guess whos feet were kicking Rileys head? :) It was unreal. Sophie is breech as all get out. I mean that her legs are straight and bent at the hip. Her feet are pushing on Rileys face-AGAIN!!! My poor boy-he will come out all beat up!

Anyhow when my perinatologist came in she said that my swelling was markedly increased-i totally agree with her. My legs are like those foam bed cover things and you push your hand on them and it leaves a print. That is what is going on with the legs. Anyhow after she looked at that she took my BP-150/90-not good. It is going up a little. Just to be on the safe side she wanted an NST and blood work. I had to wait forever and everything looks basically stable. I have to do a 24 hour urine tomorrow and on Thursday I see my OB. Well that is about all I have for you. I think that I am going to make a paper chain with the days left on it....The boys will love to cut one off every day.


twondra said...

Wow! I hope the blood pressure gets better. And I hope the babies don't gain that much. Ouch! I can't even imagine!

M and M: said...

Tanay - wow! look at those babies grow! How exciting! What healthy little ones you will have when they enter the world! Congrats! Sorry about all the swelling, the BP, and other issues. Soon, though...soon....

Jennie said...

5 lbs.!!! The paper chain idea sounds so fun! It must be nice to know when your C-Section will be. Bummer about your bp. They will be here before you know it!