Sunday, November 18, 2007

Waiting for the perinatologist opinion

Well here's the deal....Things are about as they were yesterday. All of my NST's look great. Babies are responding well. I get at least three a day....not fun being hooked up to the monitors but at least I get to see their reactions. I started the day again with horrible contractions. I really hate those. Anyhow my liver enzymes went up again. So my doctor said that he can buy me some time but he wasn't sure just how much. He also said that it is a fine line that we must draw between keeping the babies safe and keeping me safe. Ideally you want to walk to the edge of the line and then deliver but where that point is.........He said that he wanted to talk it over with the peri. So now I am just waiting for him to do that to decide what is going on. They said that if they decide to deliver I will have to be transferred to the hospital with a NICU. This hospital where I am at can only accept babies after 32 weeks. I am so hoping that my body can make it at least another 2 weeks. If not more. So now I sit and wait. Just waiting to see what my fate will be and the fate of the babies. I know that they should be OK its just I don't want to have to go through with this if I don't have to.


Unknown said...

Hey there,

Well it looks like we might be meeting Sophia and Riley a little early. Hopefully you are able to keep them in there a few more weeks though. I can't wait!! I am so excited to see them!!!

twondra said...

Awww, sweetie, I really hope they can hang in there another couple weeks. I'm sure thinking and praying for you. Keep us updated for sure girl!!